
Climate change and transforming agricultural- and food- systems are challenges to European food security.
Three universities and an industry partner addresses HE students as future actors along agricultural value-chains, including small- and medium- scale farming. The project seeks also to collaborate with agro-engineering partners to share with them the highly specialized products and expertise developed in USAGE-NG.


USAGE-NG builds on previous research and comprehensive bottom-up analysis which identifies challenges, needs and adjusted solutions for major challenges of agriculture in present time. The project will develop competence-oriented modules (micro-credentials) and will establish strategies for cooperation and dissemination. These modules will be embedded in curricula of agricultural sciences, and HE courses for Lifelong Learners.


The project strengthens digital education and mobile learning of students through modules containing important topics along the agricultural value-chain. These modules follow innovative formats such as MOOCs and flipped classroom. USAGE-NG will particularly involve small-scale farmers linking them to innovative solutions of smart farming and IoT. Further, the project will contribute to the EU micro-credential approach, VNFIL/RPL, inclusive education and social growth.